Sunday, August 14, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions About Mini Bikes

There are questions that are frequently asked by novices, enthusiasts and sometimes mechanics about these mini bikes. Some are viable questions about things to know about mini bikes and others are just plain stupid. Here are some of these questions and answers which are categorized as either viable or absurd.

Viable questions:

1) What are the techniques used for breaking in a mini bike?

Answer: There are several methods to breaking in a new mini bike. One is the “heat cycling” method or “warming up” method where you warm up your bikes engine for five to ten minutes then let it cool down. Then let it heat up for another ten minutes then let it cool down again. Do this three to four times, letting your engine cool down after ten minutes. Then you can use your bike but don’t go fast just yet. Instead move at a slow pace until you run out of gas then fill up your tank again after letting your engine cool and then you’ll be good to go.

2) Where to find rare or antique mini bikes.

Answer: If you wish to Purchase or restore old and rare mini bikes, your best bet would be to browse online for exactly what you are looking for. There are several people online that are selling their old bikes from the 60’s and 70’s that have been gathering dust in their garage for years. You’ll be able to purchase these bikes at a fairly reasonable price because you need to do a lot restoring in order to get these bikes functional. You can also look for these old bikes at vehicle graveyards and junkyards. But you have to search these places thoroughly in order to find some of these rare mini bikes. You have buy these junkyard and graveyard bikes at a very low price and if there are a lot of them available you can purchase them by bulk.

Absurd questions:

1) Do I have to put gas in my new mini bike?

Answer: You would want your mini bike to start and move don’t you? Then you must put some gas in.

2) How do you turn on a mini bike?

Answer: You can turn it on by looking for the start button or using the kick start. The start button is usually located at the right side of your handle bar right near your throttle, while your kick starter is located at the right side of your engine.
These are some of the frequently asked questions about mini bikes. as you can see there are other people lacking common sense. The best thing to do is to answer these questions straight. Even If some of them sound absurd just simply answer them. After all they may really have no knowledge about operating these vehicles and they need assistance. Some of the individuals who own these bikes may not even know how to ride them so let us just assist them in any way possible coming from one bike enthusiast to another. 

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